A Toad for Tuesday by Russell Erickson is a heartwarming and suspenseful story about an unlikely friendship that blooms in the face of danger. The story centers on Warton, a determined and resourceful toad, who embarks on a brave journey to visit his aunt for her birthday.
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A Toad for Tuesday
Title: A Toad for Tuesday
Author: Russell E. Erickson
Age Range: 6-9 years
Grade Level: 2-4
When it comes to children’s literature, few books combine charm, suspense, and heartfelt lessons as seamlessly as Russell Erickson’s A Toad for Tuesday. Originally published in 1974, this delightful story captures the imaginations of young readers and adults alike through its endearing characters and timeless themes of compassion and unexpected friendship. This is a short novel without chapter breaks, but an easy read for elementary kids.
The story begins with two frog brothers, Morton and Warton, enjoying a tasty meal in their warm underground home during winter. Warton decides he wants to visit his Aunt Toolia and prepares himself with layers of clothes, a pack of food and some skis. On the way he gets picked up by an owl who takes him back to his tree and tells Warton that he will eat him on Tuesday since it’s the owl’s birthday. Warton has five days to plan an escape, but in the meantime befriends the cranky owl. Warton’s calm and friendly nature might just be enough to save his life!
My Thoughts
Another thrift store find for me, A Toad for Tuesday won me over with the cover! This book moves swiftly and the message in the story is heartwarming. Warton seems to take his fate with ease, engaging the owl in long conversations and tidying up the owl’s home. What I really liked was that Warton appears to have no ulterior motives, but it is just in his nature to be kind and friendly. He is able to deal with the unexpected turn of events in a calm manner and thinks carefully before acting. Warton exhibits some wonderful character traits, such as kindness, cleanliness, friendliness, and flexibility.
The book also explores themes of courage and resilience. Warton’s determination to continue his journey despite being in a seemingly hopeless situation is an inspiring reminder of the strength that comes from hope and perseverance.
A Toad for Tuesday is more than just a story about a toad and an owl. It’s a beautifully written tale about the transformative power of friendship and the courage to persevere. Whether you’re revisiting this classic as an adult or introducing it to a new generation, the lessons within its pages are bound to leave a lasting impression.
As Warton and George remind us, even in the most unexpected moments, we can find connection, understanding, and a reason to keep moving forward—one snowy step at a time.
Below are 3 character trait lessons this books teaches:
The Value of Kindness: George’s change of heart shows how kindness and understanding can bridge divides.
The Importance of Hope: Warton’s optimistic outlook, even in the face of danger, teaches readers to keep hope alive in challenging situations.
Seeing Beyond Differences: The evolving dynamic between predator and prey encourages readers to challenge stereotypes and see beyond surface-level differences.
Russell E. Erickson has written several more books in the series. See the list below for more of these fun reads!